The Power of Dreaming, and Towards a Theopoetic of the Cross with Jason Derr: Becoming Episode 2

Listen to episode 2 of Becoming: Who We Are as Cody talks about dreaming, and how our dreams shape us AND how our circumstances can shape our dreams. Cody issues a challenge to the listeners, with prizes on the line- a copy of Soularize In A Box, Vol. 2, featuring speakers like N.T. Wright, Brennan Manning, Rita Brock, Richard Rohr and more for one lucky listener, and the choice of one of three different NOOMA DVD's featuring Rob Bell. You've got to listen to find out how you can win either of these great prizes!

Jason Derr, author of Towards a Theopoetic of the Cross talks about theopoetics and dreaming the church into existence. Listen, and then check out Jason's work on The Huffington Post or for

Get Jason's book here.

  1. Thanks for the podcast and interview! We of the ProgCA are very appreciative of Jason and wish to offer our gratitude to you for helping to publicize this challenging work.

  2. Thanks, Roger! I appreciate all you do as well. It was a terrific work. What other works have ProgCA helped publish, and are there any more in the works?

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