Why Can't We Be Friends? Discussing Male-Female Friendships with Dan Brennan: Becoming Episode 4

I read and reviewed Dan Brennan's book Sacred Unions, Sacred Passions earlier this year and I knew that once I got the podcast up and running I had to talk with him. He has a unique perspective on male-female relationships as friends, one that challenges the church's long held belief that it really isn't possible unless it is between a man and wife. I hope it sparks some discussion- leave some comments, drop me a message on skype (cody.stauffer) or leave a tweet on twitter (@wearebecoming). Of course there is always email (wearebecoming@gmail.com).

  1. Cody, I normally don't have the patience for podcasts, but this one was superb!
    Even though I have read his book many times, in many stages of completion, even though we have had many conversations on these themes, it all came to me with a freshness and passion and beauty once again as I listened today. Like you, I find the in-depth contemplation of Jesus' relationship to Mary Magdalene to be one of the most powerful sections of his book.
    Thank you for interviewing Daniel!
    May our Lord use your podcast/blog to extend His ministry of male-female reconciliation.

    Sheila Brennan (yep, the wife)

  2. Thank you very much for your kind words, Sheila! Your husbands book and the discussion it engenders is vital. I'm glad I could help! Dan was a terrific guest. I'd love to have him AND you on in the future!

  3. Cody
    Excellent podcast. An awesome idea that I am going to continue to explore. I love the perspective; it spoke to my soul. I love the message I heard about "one-ness", particularly how our culture has jaded this concept in such a way that (I would argue) has lead to pain, undue loneliness, and even so far as unhealthy unions and even Divorce.
    thanks for sharing!

  4. Hey, thanks Nells. You ought to give his book a look. Like Sheila and I both mentioned, the look at Jesus' relationship with Mary Magdalene and his interaction with the woman who washes his feet alone are worth having the book for. Great stuff.

  5. Thank you for this refreshing dialogue, especially for sparking my mind with, "the opposite of lust is delight". This single concept has opened my world to the Jesus way between the 'Scylla and Charybdis' of cross-gender relationship avoidance on one hand, and frustrated indulgence on the other.

  6. Paul, thanks for the encouragement. If you haven't had the chance, you should check out Dan's book. It's packed with some great insight. Thanks for checking us out!

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